Monthly Archives: February 2016

Viral Videos – Super Bowl 2016


This is the week all marketers wait for each year – Super Bowl! The week’s top performing viral videos are all from Super Bowl 50 and include, Hyundai’s The Chase, the final installment from Doritos’ Crash the Super Bowl, and more. The chart highlights viral video ads that appear on online video sites. Each ad measures viewership of brand-syndicated video clips as well as social video placements that are driven by viewers around the world. Visible Measure’s True Reach™ quantifies the total audience that has been exposed to a viral video campaign. There are three key factors for viral video success:

  1. Reaching the tastemakers.
  2. Building a community of participation.
  3. Creating unexpectedness in the video.

Regardless of the type of product or service, the country of origin, or the importance of the message, what matters is reaching the audience in a way the both entertains and informs.

Check out this week’s top videos and discuss what makes them “go viral.”

Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Bring up Ad Age’s weekly Viral Video chart:
  2. Divide students into teams. Have each team select an ad on the top video chart and analyze the ad.
  3. What is unusual?
  4. Who will it interest?
  5. What is the key message?
  6. How effective is the ad at getting the company’s brand and message across to viewers?
  7. In teams, have students design a viral video for a product of their choosing. What are the elements that are needed to go viral?

Source: Advertising Age

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Super Bowl 50 Advertising


With millions of viewers worldwide, the Super Bowl has become one of the premier venues for marketers. The thrills, the chills, the laughter, the tears – and that’s just the advertisements! At a cost of $4.6 – $5 million for 30 seconds of air time, the Super Bowl is also the most expensive advertising placement of any event or show. Add the costs of designing and producing ads, plus the integration into other marketing tactics, and a company can easily spend upwards of $6 million at a single event.

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Super Bowl advertisements have become a talking point during and after the game. (Did you see “PuppyMonkeyBaby”?) It’s a big stage, and can also be a big risk. With an audience of 111.9 million viewers, the 50th Super Bowl is now ranked as the third most watched TV program in U.S. history, eclipsed only by Super Bowls 49 and 48. And days later, we are still watching ads and measuring results.

Watch the ads – which company do you think did the best, and worst, job on their advertisements?

Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Bring up one of the Web sites that have all the Super Bowl ads:
  2. Divide students into teams of two. Have each team select a Super Bowl ad to analyze and present in class.
  3. What is the target market, key message, and offer from the ad?
  4. How does the ad integrate with a company’s other advertisements?
  5. Are the messages integrated with a company’s Web site and social media?
  6. As a class, after each commercial have students assign one to five stars for the advertisements. Which advertisement won your class’ votes?

Source: Nielsen, Ad Age Daily,, other news sources

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Philanthropy Made Easy


More than one billion people view YouTube videos every day. That’s nearly one-third of all Internet users! And, every day, YouTube viewers watch hundreds of millions of hours of video – accounting for billions of total views.

What would happen if all that power could be harnessed to do more than just inform and educate, and also do good things with nonprofit groups? Well, the videos that are created can help raise money to support causes by using YouTube donation cards. The digital donation cards can be added for any U.S. 501(c)3 public nonprofit organization. And, one of the best parts is that Google will cover the processing fees of donations, enabling 100% of the donation to go directly to the nonprofit. When watching a video, a pop-up window shows up, and the viewer can click to donate, and then click to return the video.

What’s your favorite charity? Add it to your video and help increase donations.

Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Poll students: What are some of the nonprofit organizations that they know of or support?
  2. Discuss the challenges faced by nonprofits when raising funds. What are some of the traditional methods used by organizations to raise money?
  3. Show the YouTube videos:
  4. How-to video:
  5. Want to know what organizations qualify for the program? Visit Guidestar’s directory of charities:
  6. Divide students into teams. Have team select a nonprofit and build a storyboard for a video.

Source:, YouTube


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