Tag Archives: Fitness

Where do you golf?

How many readers are golfers? Wait. How should we define golfers? Are they regular players on a golf course consistently, or do we include folks who like the driving range but rarely walk onto a course?

The definition of ‘golfer’ has certainly been blurred by the expansion of Topgolf, as well as fueled by the use of technology in simulators and driving ranges. According to the National Golf Foundation, the number of people going to these locations now is greater than the number of people playing golf on outdoor courses.

And that’s a good thing for the golf industry in general. Long-viewed as an expensive, elitist sport dominated by males, the changing role of technology in golf now opens the sport up to more people who want to drive a ball, but not necessarily spend thousands of dollars and hours on it. Anytime an industry can introduce new consumers to its value, it has a chance of keeping the consumer’s interest.

Plus, Topgolf is more social than traditional golf courses. Topgolf’s approach is much more social, hosting groups of players with tables, couches, food and drink. Microchips embedded in the golf balls track shots, allowing golfers to virtually compete with each other, play famous courses and video courses.

As a result, some traditional country clubs and golf courses are also now more agreeable to revising old traditions and loosening dress codes, as well as designing new and entertaining games for the course and speedier play.

No need to yell “fore” on this tee.

Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Poll students: Who would consider themselves as golfers? How would they define the market? Where and when do they play golf?
  2. Show Topgolf’s website: https://topgolf.com/us/
  3. Poll students about their Topgolf experience.
  4. Who is the target market for Topgolf?
  5. What is an off-course golfer and how can it be reached?
  6. Divide students into teams and have them research the trends occurring in golf both on-course and off-course.
  7. ALTERNATIVE: Have students explore Topgolf as a franchise investment.

Source: Feuer, W. (1 December 2024). For the first time, most golfers play off-course. Wall Street Journal.

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Skim’s Now Sells Shapewear for Men

If there was any doubt that shapewear for men was becoming a growing, and competitive category, then Kim Kardashian’s Skim brand has put the issue to rest. Skims has just added men’s boxers, briefs, t-shirts, tanks, and more to its product offering.

But what is shapewear? Briefly (no pun intended), shapewear is tight-fitting underwear that controls and shapes a figure. This is a significant industry segment that is estimated by market research firm Circana to reach nearly $6 billion in the last 12 months.

The latest trend in the industry today? The hottest trend in the shapewear industry are garments designed specifically for men. Just as for women, the men’s shapewear is intended to help men look their best under clothes.

The upmarket Skims brand is seizing an opportunity to bring higher-end products to men’s wear, long comminated by mass brands selling multi-packs and discount-priced items. Skims, along with several other higher-end brands, is taking a different approach, showing men there is a different level of comfort and performance for their under garments.

Skims is using star athletes to promote the brand, including soccer stars, NBA players, and NFL players in its ads. Sports is a good place to reach men who are looking for performance wear.

Skims launched in 2019 with women’s shapewear and lingerie and is expected to have revenues of $750 million this year. Skims also stated that it started its menswear line at the request of its female shoppers.

What will you buy?

 Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Poll students: Who has bought higher-end shapewear for themselves or others? Why?
  2. Discuss the stages in the product life cycle. What are the marketing objectives in each stage?
  3. Where is women’s shapewear on the PLC? Where is men’s shapewear?
  4. Show websites for men’s shapewear: Skims for Men: https://skims.com/pages/mens
  5. Spanx: https://spanx.com/collections/mens
  6. Core Wear: https://getcorewear.com/
  7. HisRoom: https://www.hisroom.com/
  8. Students may also look for additional manufacturers. What are the main marketing messages being used?
  9. Divide students into teams. Have each team draw a PLC and plot various clothing and accessories on the chart.
  10. What does it take to reposition a product on the PLC?

Source: Lieber, C. (23 October 2023). Kim Kardashian wants men to wear Skims, too. Wall Street Journal; Valinsky, J. (23 October 2023). Kim Kardashian is making Skims for men. CNN; other news sources.

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Hoka – The Ugly Shoe Everyone is Buying

Consumers love something different, at least some of the time. But then other times, it is difficult to get them to switch their buying habits. On average, consumers buy the same 150 items fairly consistently. That means it is difficult for new products to get buyers to shift their buying to another product.

Think about it. What are the brands you buy regularly? Now, what might it take to get you to buy an entirely new brand and substitute it for one of your beloved products? It can be tough going to gain acceptance for new products, particularly products that look as different as Hoka shoes.

In 2012, sales of Hoka shoes were approximately $3 million. A little over a decade later, Hoka shoes sales in the past fiscal year were $1.4 billion. That’s a huge jump in sales and loyalty for a very peculiar looking athletic shoe.

Everyone who buys Hoka shoes seem to like them – runners, waiters, workers, teens, even grandparents. Why? Well, the first thing is that the shoe has to be comfortable and perform as required. Hoka shoes also come in vibrant colors and have a hefty foam sole. But still, it’s a big departure from the sleek-looking Nike shoes that dominate the market.

One of Hoka’s main strategies was to grow slowly. Yes, you read that right. Slowly. The company deliberately grew slowly by keeping supply below demand and maintaining selective distribution.

The company founders also deliberately made the shoes bigger than most athletic shoes. The shoes have been described as clown-like, bloated, bulbous, wacky, and just plain ugly. But, the shoes performed. Running stores couldn’t keep them in stock. And the company maximized on direct-to-consumer, skipping the big-box stores. When the company did move to stores such as Foot Locker and Dick’s Sporting Goods, it waited until consumers already knew about Hokas.

They may look clownish, but are you ready to run in them?

 Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Poll students: What athletic shoes do they have? What do they like? Dislike?
  2. Does anyone have Hoka shoes? Why or why not?
  3. Show Hoka Shoes website: https://www.hoka.com/en/us/
  4. Why did a slow growing strategy and limited distribution work for Hoka?
  5. Discuss competition for Hoka.
  6. What are the direct competitors? Indirect competitors?
  7. Divide students into teams. Have each team compare Hoka shoes with a competitive product.
  8. Students should also develop a positioning map for athletic shoes. Where in the map would Hoka shine versus competitors?
  9. What are the key points of difference?
  10. How should Hoka be marketing its shoes?

Source: Cohen, B. (22 June 2023). The ugly shoes now worth billions of dollars. Wall Street Journal.

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