Monthly Archives: October 2017

Marketing of Nonprofits

Many organizations often have complicated marketing messages. They need to state the need they meet, how the public and government can help, and build relationships with donors. This is especially true with nonprofit organizations where the messages can be replete with complex jargon and hard-to-understand programs.

Nonprofit organizations need to provide clear explanation of goals and convince people to support its causes. Many nonprofit organizations have a difficult time competing – after all, there are no bad causes, only causes that either resonate – or not – with prospective donors.

The Colon Cancer Alliance is one of these types of organizations, and they eventually turned to marketing professionals for help in recrafting messages and marketing programs. One of the campaigns that they used during Shark Week called out the fact that while sharks attack only 16 people per year, more than 130,000 people each year are diagnosed with colon cancer!

Even words such as “disabled” or “disability” or “disease” can cause confusion and concern. These are broad phrases that can be applied to virtually any illness. Be specific in the messages, audiences, and treatments. After all, even nonprofits have competitors.

What causes motivate you?

Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Divide students into teams.
  2. Have each team select a different nonprofit organization to examine.
  3. Review and revise the message and vision of the nonprofit.
  4. Develop a marketing program for it that is creative and catchy.
  5. Have students vote on the most effective campaign.
  6. How should it be deployed?

Source:  New York Times

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Drones Can Help Save Lives

In the United States there are roughly 350,000 cardiac arrests each year, and in Europe nearly a million people each year suffer such cardiac arrests. And, each minute to health care and a defibrillator is critical to survival. Today, people outside of hospitals who have a heart attack have only an 8-10% survival rate due to the slow response time of emergency services. This calls for a new solution to this critical health issue: drones.

Drones can help save lives of heart attack victims by delivering defibrillators remotely, much faster than it takes an ambulance to arrive on the scene. In a recent study in Sweden, the Swedish Transportation Agency equipped drones with light-weight defibrillators (1.7 pounds) and deployed them from fire stations north of Stockholm.

In tests, drones can average 100 km/hour, making the average arrival time of the drones 5:21 minutes; this is compared to the average ambulance arrival time of 22:00 minutes, shaving more than 16 minutes off defibrillator arrival time. Time that is critical to a person’s survival. When not flying, the drone can be folded and become a tool box for emergency supplies.

Drones to the rescue!

Group Activities and Discussion Questions:

  1. Discuss the use of new technologies such as drones with students.
  2. Show video:
  3. Divide students into team: What other applications could drones have in the marketplace and health care industry?
  4. Have each team share its recommendations.
  5. Select the top recommendation. Have students develop a marketing program for this solution using drones.

Source:  Los Angeles Times, Tribune, other news source

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Filed under Classroom Activities